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Dry Creek Elementary

Home of Critters

Dry Creek Elementary

Home of Critters
Why Breathing Exercises?

Why Breathing Exercises?

What are breathing exercises, and why are they essential for children? Breathing exercises are simple techniques that encourage conscious control of the breath. These exercises not only help kids become more aware of their breathing patterns but also enable them to access a sense of calm, reduce anxiety, and improve concentration. Breathing exercises can be a game-changer, equipping children with valuable skills to navigate challenges and emotions in a healthy way.
By incorporating these exercises into your family's daily routine, you create an atmosphere of relaxation and presence. Whether it's during playtime, before bedtime, or when facing a stressful situation, a short breathing exercise can make a world of difference. As parents, your involvement and support are pivotal in making these practices a part of your child's life.
Breathing exercises need not be complicated. You'll find a delightful array of techniques that are both enjoyable and easy to learn. From "balloon breaths" that fill the belly with air like a balloon to "flower breaths" that encourage gentle inhalations like smelling a flower, these exercises are fun and engaging for children of all ages.
As you join your child in these exercises, you not only share in the joy of their mindfulness journey but also strengthen your bond through shared experiences. Your presence and encouragement play a crucial role in creating a safe space where your child feels supported and nurtured.
In this section, we've gathered a variety of age-appropriate breathing exercises and playful activities that your child will love. Embrace this opportunity to explore mindfulness together as a family, and witness the positive impact it brings to your home.
Resources at Home

Resources at Home

The OT Toolbox:
Our mission is to provide you with tools, inspiration, and the community you need to encourage the healthy development of kids.
Children's Health:
Coping Skills for Kids:
Belly breathing activity for kids

Belly breathing activity for kids