Support at Home

Technology use:
Technology use:
Technology use:
Potential Effects:
Young people who spend 7 or more hours online or on social media are twice as likely to be diagnosed with depression or anxiety, be more easily distracted, be less emotionally stable, have more problems finishing tasks and making friends. Technology usage can also have several negative effects such as weight gain, sleep loss, self esteem, and bullying.
What can you do?
Set Rules: Create social media ground rules your child must follow.
Enforce consequences for breaking rules.
Have Limits: Set age limits for social media sites and time limits for usage on them.
Know Passwords: Get passwords for your child's phone and all email and social media accounts.
Monitor Use: "Friend" or "follow" your child on social media and check in often. Also, look into software that tracks and limits your child's usage.
Talk Dangers: Remind your child that everyone is a stranger online, and no one can be trusted.
Reputation Matters: Explain that once something is posted or shared online or via text, your child cannot get it back. Future college administrators and employers may see or find it.
Social Media Central: Keep smart devices in central locations and not in the privacy of a bedroom.
Protect Private Info: Teach your child never to give out personal information, even for free samples or contests. Review photos your child wants to post to ensure they're harmless with no identifiable locations.
Lead by Example: Limit your time on social media and keep your tone respectful, and your child will follow your example.
Stress management:
Stress management:
Stress management:
What is stress?
Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body's reaction to a challenge or demand. In short bursts, stress can be positive, such as when it helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline.
How can we keep stress under control?
Manage time effectively: If you're feeling overwhelmed, consider cutting out an activity or two, choosing just the ones that are most important to you.
Ask for help: If you need help with something like schoolwork or dealing with a loss, ask for it.
Get enough sleep: Sleep helps keep your body and mind in top shape, making you better equipped to deal with any negative stressors.
Learn to relax: Learn techniques such as easy breathing exercises and use them when you're feeling stressed.
Make time for fun: Build time into your schedule for activities you enjoy — read a good book, play with your pet, laugh, do a hobby, make art or music, spend time with positive people, or be in nature.
Get regular exercise and eat well
Be optimistic: Your outlook, attitude, and thoughts influence the way you see things. Is your cup half full or half empty? A healthy dose of optimism can help you make the best of stressful circumstances.
Build positive relationships and support team
Peer Conflict:
Peer Conflict:
Peer Conflict:
What is peer conflict?
Peer conflict refers to mutual disagreement or hostility between peers or peer-groups
What can you do?
Teach The Stop Light: Ask your child to close his/her eyes and picture a stop light.
When the red light is on, he/she should take three deep breaths and think of something calming.
When the light turns yellow, it’s time to evaluate the problem. Can he handle this on his own? Does he need adult help? Think of two problem solving strategies that might work.
When the light turns green, choose a strategy (ask for help, go outside and run around, work on a compromise) and give it a try.
Model Empathy: Listening to your kids and show them empathy, not only does it help kids feel heard and understood, but it also helps them learn how to empathize with others. Parents don’t have to solve every problem. In fact, we shouldn’t. Providing a safe space to talk about and process emotions is the best support.
Practice Talking About Feelings: Young children tend to react quickly to upsetting events and they need to practice talking about their feelings in a healthy and calm way. Have them practice using "I" statements with family and friends when feeling upset.
For example: "I feel angry when you push me, please don't do that again."
Practice Brainstorming Solutions: Kids become better problem solvers when they learn how to find solutions on their own. By looking at the struggle from different perspectives, kids learn to empathize with their peers and look for solutions that help everyone involved.
For example, ask your child: "How would you like to solve this problem?"